Friday, September 19, 2014

Caitlin+Tim's Classic Misericordia Home Wedding

The Proposal Story: Caitlin and Tim had been together about five and a half years, were in the midst of their residency training and living 250 miles apart. They knew they were going to get married but Tim hadn’t started even planning a proposal yet. They did have some ideas about what they wanted for the wedding reception though.
Due to scheduling, the couple needed to reserve a date for the reception. So they booked a wedding date, but Tim hadn’t even starting looking for a ring. Now, with a date set, he had a time table. After a few weeks, Tim found the perfect ring. Caitlin knew that he had the ring, so she was always thinking a proposal was coming. Caitlin and Tim took vacations to Hawaii and Spain and 
during each trip she would always ask “Are you going to propose already?” Finally, they had a vacation set for the Bahamas. Tim had brought the ring, and knew he was going to propose on this trip. Tim was planning on asking Caitlin while on the beach at sunset, just like the same setting when he had told her he loved her for the first time. However, the day before she had seen some photos of the ring on his phone so was increasingly suspicious. Tim had to cancel his original plans. As the vacation was about to end, she thought this was another vacation without a proposal. The couple went on a long walk on the beach. Tim had the ring in his pocket and was waiting for the right time. After they had walked down the beach to a remote spot, Tim was ready to propose. He was nervous and she could tell. Tim pretended to go down to pick up a seashell. She turned around to see him trying to get down on one knee. She asked “what are you doing?” and then looked down to see the ring. Tim asked Caitlin to marry him and spend the rest of their lives 
together. She said “Yes, of course.” The newly engaged couple walked back to their hotel and immediately called all of their family to tell them the good news. Caitlin and Tim were finally engaged.

The Wedding: Caitlin started the day with her family getting ready at her parents home. The wedding day was planned by Cathy Dore and Wendy Koch. Caitlin's wedding gown was by Mira Zwillinger. The Bride wore her own jewelry, and the Groom wore his own tuxedo. The two had their first look on the Loyola campus just before the weather turned. We ended up seeking shelter under an archway for a while and hid from the wind and rain while we took some lovely photographs. The storm dissipated, and we headed to Angel Guardian Church for the ceremony. The two were wed in the beautiful church, followed by more photographs of the couple. We then made our way across the street to Misericordia Home for the reception. The lovely florals were by Jozef Cross, video by Fred Fox, catering by DiLeo's Catering, and great entertainment by Connexion Band kept everyone dancing.

Congrats Caitlin and Tim!

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